가장 어려운 일과 가장 쉬운 일PEOPLE Talk News 2011. 3. 10. 12:10
가장 어려운 일과 가장 쉬운 일
가장 어려운 일과 쉬운 일을 물었을 때
천문학자 탈레스는 이렇게 대답했다.
'자신을 아는 일이 가장 어렵고 다른 사람에게 충고하는 일이 가장 쉽다.'
(When Thales was asked what was very difficult, he said, "To know one's self."And what was easy, "To advise another.")
- 디오게네스, 그리스 철학자(Diogenes)-
Great leaders have something in common- they are adept at giving praise,
whereas the opposite holds true for incompetent leaders
who are skilled in pointing out other people’s faults.
When a leader starts being harder on himself than on others;
this type of natural leadership becomes a valuable influence.
A person who can conquer someone will be considered strong,
but someone who can conquer themselves will be considered truly great.'PEOPLE Talk News' 카테고리의 다른 글
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